TORG Principal David Hinkle Reveals Why Outlet Retail Is Rapidly Expanding
January 3, 2017Finding a New Outlet
“New retailers and new consumers (read: millennials) discovering value retail, and that means more outlet centers in more locales in more different configurations.”
Chain Store Age covers the significant rise of outlet centers across the United States in their November/December issue, quoting TORG Principal David Hinkle as to the why and how of this shift in the retail landscape.
“‘When you’ve got about 215 outlet centers spread around the U.S. and 12 new ones open, that’s significant growth,’ said David Hinkle of The Outlet Resource Group, who spent most of his 17 years in retail opening National Book Warehouses in most of those centers. ‘It’s the only form of brick-and-mortar retail keeping pace with e-commerce.’”
Click here to read the full Chain Store Age article “Finding a New Outlet” by Al Urbanski.
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