Leasing Opportunities at Gran Plaza Outlets in Calexico, CA
March 11, 2022
(Calexico, CA) — The Outlet Resource Group is proud to announce that Ron Simkin, SVP of Leasing, and Marc Gurstel, VP of Leasing, have joined the leasing team for the Charles Company’s Gran Plaza Outlets in Calexico, California.
Gran Plaza Outlets is situated on 162 acres directly adjacent to the Calexico West Port of Entry, the third busiest US/Mexico crossing point. The center is the dominant retail site for cross border shopping from Mexicali, Mexico. The property’s nearly 280,000 square feet of outlet/value retail and food establishments form a robust and convenient destination to shop for more than 2.5 million people residing within its dense and growing trade area.
Click here to view the new Gran Plaza Outlets leasing video.

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